
Showing posts from January, 2016

Christmas In The Country 2015

I vaguely remember when I first learned about "blog world."  I thought blogs were really strange.  Who has time for that? When I would happen across one or two to read, I thought it was extra strange how these people acted like friends in the comments with people they had never met.  Fast forward… You can only sit through (and promote) so many workshops emphasizing how important it is to tell the story of your farm before you act.  So, I entered “blog world.”   What a great experience it has been, so far! I love being a part of this edifying environment of smart, strong farm ladies.  I even got to meet one of our hosts, Laurie at Country Linked !  Here’s to the cynics: Blog World IS the Real World.  Real people, real stories, real relationships: here’s to more in 2016.  On to Christmas in the Country!  This is my first time participating, and I loved the experience. Lara at My Other More Exciting Life received my name.  Bless her, because I have relatively few